
中国行政垄断的收入与财富分配效应估算 被引量:6

Estimating the Income and Wealth Distribution Effects of Administrative Monopoly in China
摘要 尽管我国行政垄断格局已受到冲击,但行政垄断行业的劳动投入与其高收入和高福利不相称的问题依然突出,对社会各阶层收入差距的扩大产生作用。利用上市公司和个人收入、消费数据,分别估算并比较行政垄断对城镇和总体居民的收入与财富分配效应。分析表明,行政垄断企业榨取消费者巨额垄断利润,这一利益的转移以及所导致的收入与财富分配的不公效应,对总体居民的影响大于对城镇居民的影响,而且收入水平越低的阶层受的影响程度越大,由此加剧了我国城乡尤其是农村地区低收入居民的贫困程度。 Chinese administrative monopoly has been shocked. However, there is still a big disproportion between labor input and high income and welfare in administrative monopoly industries, which directly leads to unequal income distribution and larger gap of wealth. Based on data of listed companies, individual income and consumption, this paper estimates and compares effects of administrative monopoly on the urban and overall income and wealth distributions. The results show that monopoly profits transferred from consumers to administrative monopoly firms lead to larger inequality of rural-urban income and wealth distributions than those of urban areas. Administrative monopoly has a larger impact on the lower income groups and then increases poverty level, especially the poverty level of low income groups in rural areas.
出处 《数量经济技术经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第10期63-78,共16页 Journal of Quantitative & Technological Economics
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目"扩大内需条件下提高长三角对外开放水平研究"(11JJD790036) 厦门大学国际经济与贸易系教育发展基金项目"中国本土企业自主创新的战略转变"(201112101)的资助
关键词 行政垄断 收入分配 财富分配 效应估算 Administrative Monopoly Income Distribution Wealth Distribution Effect Estimation
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