
中国旅游间接能源消耗与碳排放的核算 被引量:33

Tourism in China: Indirect Energy Consumption and Carbon Emissions
摘要 文章运用投入产出法核算了中国旅游间接能源消耗与碳排放,结果发现:与煤炭类能源、二次能源比较,石油与天然气类能源受旅游消费间接诱发的影响更明显;2007年,中国旅游间接碳排放为44.41MtC,占终端能源间接消耗碳排放总量的2.93%,其市场构成是城镇居民国内旅游、农村居民国内旅游与入境旅游分别占50.05%、20.63%与29.32%,其部门构成是交通运输、仓储和邮政通讯业占44.72%,批发、零售和住宿、餐饮业占34.55%,其他服务业占20.73%;城镇居民国内旅游间接碳排放的最大碳源是电力,并且其部门碳源构成存在差异。最后,建议关注旅游对国内能源需求的整体影响,在明确旅游业为低碳经济优势产业的基础上,加强旅游间接碳排放的科学管理。 This study estimates the indirect consumption of energy and carbon emissions of tourism in China. The total energy consumption of tourism includes direct energy use and indirect energy use. The former refers to fossil fuels purchased directly for tourist activities, for example petrol for driving and other fuel types used for barbecues or outdoor activities; the latter includes embodied energy for transportation, food, accommodation and other products and services involved in the tourism industry. In this study the indirect energy consumption of China' s tourism industry is estimated using energy input- output analysis methodology. According to this model, embodied energy depends on the energy intensity of each department, the input-output structure among departments, and final consumption. The indirect energy consumption of tourism is calculated by categorizing urban and rural residents' domestic tourism as part of household final consumption and inbound tourism as an export. The carbon emissions from indirect energy consumption are then calculated using the method presented in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for estimating emissions from fossil fuel combustion. In 2007, total tourism consumption accounted for 3.24% of final energy consumption in China, and the tourism industry' s oil and gas indirect energy consumption totaled more than 3.24% of the total oil and natural gas indirect energy consumption. Within oil and natural gas consumption, the indirect consumption of kerosene by the tourism industry accounted up to 10.06% of the total kerosene indirect consumption. However, the consumption of coal, other energy sources and secondary energy such as electricity and thermal energy within tourism' s indirect energy consumption accounted for less than 3.24% of the total indirect energy consumption. Taking kerosene as an example, the indirect kerosene consumption per capita of urban residents' domestic tourism is 0.97 kg, that of rural residents' domestic tourism is 0.27 kg, and the indirect kerosene consumption per capita of inbound tourism is 2.81 kg. These results show that tourism has a greater indirect effect on the energy demand for oil and natural gas, and that the structural change of the tourism market also affects the demand and structure of China' s national energy consumption. The total indirect carbon emissions of tourism in China in 2007 was 44.41 MtC, accounting for 2.93% of the total carbon emissions from China' s national indirect energy consumption. Regarding the various tourism markets, urban residents' domestic tourism, rural residents' domestic tourism, and inbound tourism accounted for 50.05, 20.63 and 29.32 per cent respectively of the indirect carbon emissions of tourism. Furthermore, of China' s various tourism departments, the Transport, Storage, Postal & Telecommunications services industries emitted the largest proportion at 44.72% , followed by the Wholesale, Retail Trade and Hotel, Restaurants industry with 34.55% , and other services accounting for 20.73%. It was also found that electricity is the biggest source of indirect carbon emissions in the tourism industry, and that the structure of the carbon source differs among the Transport, Storage, Postal & Telecommunications services industry, Wholesale, Retail Trade and Hotel, Restaurants industry, and other services industries. In conclusion, because of the current situation and characteristics of tourism' s indirect energy consumption and carbon emissions in China, it is recommended that tourism strengthen its role as a dominant industry in low- carbon economy development and at the same time that institutions implement scientific measures to manage tourism' s growing carbon emissions.
作者 袁宇杰
出处 《旅游学刊》 CSSCI 2013年第10期81-88,共8页 Tourism Tribune
基金 国家重点基础研究发展规划(973项目)(2012CB955800) 国家自然科学基金项目(41071089 41071092) 教育部人文社会科学研究青年项目(12YJC790249)共同资助~~
关键词 投入产出法 旅游 能源消耗 碳排放 中国 input-output method tourism energy consumption carbon emissions China
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