针对目前远程监控系统的趋势和生产过程实际需求,提出了一种基于B/S架构体系的分布式远程监控系统。所有技术均基于JavaEE平台,开发模式采用JSP Modle1:JSP+JavaBean,在MyEclipse开发环境下采用JSP语言和Java Bean技术编写前台页面,后台数据库采用MySQL,WEB服务器采用Tomcat服务器,以JSP和JAVA作为开发工具,客户端用IE浏览器。利用多功能数据采集器将现场数据采集存储到数据库中,在JSP中可以通过调用Java Bean或直接嵌入JAVA代码来实现JAVA技术与HTML网页技术的结合,实现网页与客户端和服务器端的交互。用户可通过浏览器输入服务器的IP地址,就可以方便的进行远程监控。
According to the current trend of remote monitor and the requirement of the production process,This paper presents a dis-tributed remote monitoring system based on B/S architecture. All technology is based on JavaEE platform .Use the JSP Modlel :JSP and JavaBean as zhe development modle.Use the JSP language and Java Bean Technology to write front page based on the myeclipse Development environment.Back-end database use the MySQL .The web server use the Tomcat server.Use JSP and JAVA as a devel-opment tool.User can use IE as the web server.In JSP we can call Java Beans or embed JAVA code to achieve the combine between JAVA and HTML web page,achieve the Interaction between the web page,Client and Server.Users can enter the server's IP address to remotely monitor by browser.
Microcomputer Applications