
面向低截获性的火控雷达间歇式目标跟踪算法 被引量:1

Intermission Target Tracking Method of Fire Control Radar for Low Intercept Performance
摘要 基于增强火控雷达目标跟踪过程的低截获性的客观需求,以信号截获理论为基础,提出了火控雷达间歇式目标跟踪的概念;依据典型火控雷达的工作特点,设计了分段自适应采样间隔策略;在上述基础上给出了火控雷达间歇式目标跟踪算法,并建立了平均截获概率密度指标,用其来评估目标跟踪过程的低截获性。最后,对该跟踪算法进行了仿真和分析,结果证明,火控雷达采用间歇式目标跟踪算法,可以在保证要求跟踪精度的前提下实现跟踪过程的低截获性。 To enhance the low intercept performance of fire control radar during target tracking, the idea of intermission target tracking based on signal intercept theory is presented. Depending on the work- ing characteristics of fire control radar, the subsection adaptive sampling interval strategy is designed. On this condition, the intermission target tracking method of fire control radar is proposed, and the index of average intercept probability density is founded, which is used for evaluating the low intercept perform- ance of tracking process. Simulation and analysis results show that the intermission target tracking method could realize the low intercept performance of tracking process on the condition of necessary tracking pre- cision.
机构地区 中国人民解放军
出处 《现代防御技术》 北大核心 2013年第5期76-82,共7页 Modern Defence Technology
关键词 目标跟踪 间歇辐射 低截获概率 火控雷达 target tracking intermittent radiation low interception probability fire control radar
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