

Common fixed point theorems on partially ordered cone metric spaces
摘要 在完备的偏序锥度量空间中,研究了一些具有压缩条件的弱增算子的不动点存在唯一性,获得了几个算子的公共不动点,推广了一些已有文献的结果,改进了证明方法. In complete partial ordered cone metric spaces, existence and uniqueness of fixed point for some weekly increasing mappings with contractive conditions are studied. Common fixed point theorems are obtained, which generalizes some known results in relative literatures and the method of proof is improved in this paper.
作者 彭荣
出处 《西南民族大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2013年第5期724-728,共5页 Journal of Southwest Minzu University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 广东培正学院一般项目(PZMYB019)
关键词 偏序集 锥度量空间 弱增算子 不动点 partially ordered set cone metric space weakly increasing opo^ator fixed point
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