

An Exploration and Analysis on Unconscious Knowledge in Artificial Grammar Paradigm
摘要 人工语法范式不仅是内隐学习领域广泛运用的范式,同时也是研究无意识知识的主要方法。文章通过对人工语法范式组成材料中的刺激频率、组块等方面进行深入探讨,不仅使人们对无意识知识有了更全面的认识,而且也有利于对内隐学习获得规则知识的假设提出更确定的回答;并通过对无意识知识的神经机制研究以及考察镜射规则学习过程的脑神经激活状况,获得了规则学习对应更为准确的脑神经活动,推动了人工语法范式下无意识知识的深入研究。 Artificial grammar learning (AGL) is one of the most commonly used paradigms for the study of implicit learning. A well known paradigm to assess learning is artificial grammar learning, originally designed by Reber (1967). In this study, participants are instructed to memorize letter strings. They are not informed that the strings are constructed according to certain rules. In a subsequent grammaticality classification test, the participant's ability to discriminate between grammatical and nongrammatical items is assessed. Grammaticality judgments can be based on structural ( "rule - based" ) or superficial (" chunk - based" ) aspects of the grammar, or on a combination of both. Artificial grammar paradigm is not only the widely used in implicit learning, but also one of the most important method for the re- search on the implicit knowledge. We analyze the component materials of the artificial grammar paradigm, for example, letter frequen- cy, chunks, exemplar as well as abstract rules and other factors, and summarize the experiments in which various kinds of implicit knowledge are separated at the brain/neural level in the artificial grammar paradigm. We obtain more complete understanding of sequen- tial learning of letter strings. It provides the reference for the further study of the specific problems of knowledge with regards to the brain/neural mechanism and promotes the further study of unconscious knowledge in the artificial grammar paradigm. What knowledge is learned in artificial grammar paradigm by participants depends on the experimental operation of artificial gram- mar materials. If the factors other than stimulus frequency in the letter strings are balanced, we can discuss whether the participants ob- tain stimulus frequency knowledge ; if the factors other than chunks are balanced, we can discuss whether the participants obtain chunks knowledge ; if the factors other than exemplar similarity are balanced, we can study the function of exemplar during the implicit learning process. It is important for the researclaers of implicit learning that they can verify the hypothesis of rule - based acquisition in imphcit learning by balancing the factors other than rules. The researchers explore stimulus frequency, chunks, etc. On the one hand, it prompts us to have a more comprehensive understanding for implicit knowledge ; on the other hand, it is beneficial to have a more definitive answer to the hypothesis of rule knowledge.
作者 焦岚 胡娟
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期1123-1127,共5页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 上海市教育规划课题(B10024)的资助
关键词 人工语法范式 无意识知识 规则 组块 artificial grammar paradigm, unconscious knowledge, rnle, chunk
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