

Scheme research of virtual machine live migration based on service live level
摘要 虚拟机实时迁移是在保证虚拟机服务正常运行的同时,在不同的物理主机之间迁移,为保证迁移效率和服务正常运行,需降低总迁移时间和停机时间。后拷贝和预拷贝是常用的两种实时迁移方案,后拷贝能降低总迁移时间,预拷贝能降低停机时间。基于服务活跃度的预拷贝优化方案是根据服务活跃度选择合适的停止条件,使得虚拟机在合适的临界点进入停机阶段,这不仅减少了页的迭代次数,也使停机阶段传输更少的页,从而达到同时降低总迁移时间和停机时间的目的。 The live migration of virtual machine is the migration between the different physical hosts, at the same time, ensuring the normal operations of the virtual machine service. In order to ensure the migration efficiency and the normal operation, it needs to reduce the total migration time and downtime. Post-copy and Pre-copy are both frequently used to live migration, Post-copy can reduce the total migration time, Pre-copy can reduce the downtime. This paper presents an optimization Pre-copy scheme based on service live level. According to the relationship between service and dirty page rate, selecting the appropriate stop condition, it makes the live migration enter the stop and copy phase in an appropriate critical point. This not only reduces the number of iterations of the page, but also transmits fewer pages in the stop and copy phase, so as to achieve the purpose of reducing the total migration time and downtime at the same time.
作者 张乐
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 2013年第19期254-259,共6页 Computer Engineering and Applications
关键词 实时迁移 后拷贝 预拷贝 服务活跃度 脏页率 停止条件 live migration Post-copy Pre-copy service live level dirty page rate stop condition
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