
色噪声下共址MIMO雷达自适应检测波形设计 被引量:2

Adaptive Waveform Design for Colocated MIMO Radar Detection in Colored Noise
摘要 研究了存在色噪声时共址MIMO雷达的自适应检测波形设计问题。推导了检测率、虚警率与发射波形关系的表达式。鉴于该表达式的复杂性,引入两个渐近准则,即相对熵和散度准则,同时推导了最优检测波形的闭式解。经理论分析和实验仿真得出结论:两种信息论准则对应的最优波形是一致的;最优检测波形与目标、噪声匹配;最优检测波形的信噪比同时也达到最优。 The problem of adaptive waveform design for coloeated MIMO radar detection in colored noise is considered. The formu- lation of relation between the false detection probability and transmitted waveforms is drived. The formulation above is too complex, so two asymptotic criteria, which named relative entropy and divergence, are used to design the optimum detection waveforms. The theoretical analysis and numerical experiments indicate: the waveforms based on two criteria are identical; the derived waveform " matches" the target and noise; the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) of derived waveform is also maximum.
出处 《现代雷达》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第9期15-19,23,共6页 Modern Radar
关键词 共址MIMO雷达 自适应检测波形设计 色噪声 colocated MIMO radar adaptive waveform design for detection colored noise
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