
锶同位素演化对深层地下热水的指示意义 被引量:3

Indication of Strontium Isotope for the Deep Geothermal Water
摘要 结合地下热水水化学资料和氘氧同位素,应用地下热水Sr含量及87Sr/86Sr比值,对关中盆地深层地下热水进行研究。结果表明:咸礼断阶西北、西安凹陷南、西安凹陷北和咸礼断阶东南地下热水类型分别为循环型地热水、半循环半封存性地热水和相对封存型地热水;关中盆地北部(咸礼断阶)、咸阳(咸礼断阶东南、西安凹陷北)、西安(西安凹陷南部)和固市凹陷偏离了大气降水线,18O飘逸现象显著,但漂移前其同位素组成也与地表水和大气降水一致,是由现代及古代大气降水补给;关中盆地地下热水化学成分的演化既受到碳酸盐岩、硫酸盐岩溶滤作用的影响又受到硅酸盐岩溶滤作用的影响。 Taking previous data about hydrochemistry and oxygen - deuterium isotope into consideration, the paper makes a study on geothermal water in Guanzhong basin by analyzing Sr content and Sr/^86Sr ratio of it. The result indicates that geo- thermal water in northwest of Xianli faulted terrace, south of Xi' an sag, north of Xi' an sag and southeast of Xi' anli faulted terrace respectively is circular, half circular - half trapped and relative trapped. 18 Oflowing phenomenon is significant in north of Guanzhong basin, Xianyang , Xi' an and Gushi, which are deviate from the local meteoric water line ( LMWL). Before flowing, the component of geothermal water in the four place is in consistence with surface water and atmospheric precipitation. The conclusion is changes in chemical component of geothermal water in Guanzhong basin is affected by lixiviation of carbonate rock, sulphate rock and silicate rock.
出处 《地下水》 2013年第4期20-23,共4页 Ground water
基金 "国家自然基金(41172211)" "陕西省自然科学基础研究计划重点项目(2012JZ5001)"
关键词 深层地下热水 关中盆地 水化学 Sr含量87Sr/86Sr比值 geothermal water Guanzhong basin Gushi depression hydrochemical Sr content and ^87St/^86SrSr ratio
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