

Analysis on Thermal Environment of Training Rooms in Summer
摘要 结合高等职业技术院校实训教学,根据现场测量与计算机仿真分析,对实训室夏季室内温度分布状况进行了研究,结果显示温度分布状况不均匀,存在分散的小面积低温区域和大的温度梯度.研究为实训室室内实训设备、人员与空调装置的合理布局提供了依据,有助于实现优化教学环境,降低能源消耗,避免炎热天气可能造成的安全隐患. With training teaching in higher vocational colleges taken into consideration, this paper analyses room temperature distribution of training rooms in summer based on temperature measure and computer simulation. The results show that temperature distribution is not uniform, characterized by low temperature in some scattered areas and marked temperature gradient, making students feel uncomfortable. This research lays a foundation for rational distribution of experimental equipment, personnel and air conditioner in training rooms. It helps to optimize teaching environment, reduce energy wasting, and avoid the potential safety hazards caused by high temperature.
作者 陈革维
出处 《深圳职业技术学院学报》 CAS 2013年第5期15-20,共6页 Journal of Shenzhen Polytechnic
关键词 实训室 室内温度 热环境 training room room temperature thermal environment
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