

Function of Microparticles in Intercellular Information Delivery System
摘要 微粒是从细胞膜上脱落而释放的一些小囊泡,含有丰富的来源细胞的表面蛋白和胞质成分,如表面受体、细胞因子、mRNA和microRNA等。微粒参与机体几乎所有的生理、病理生理学行为,如血栓形成、动脉粥样硬化、风湿性疾病、恶性肿瘤发生进展等。微粒通过转移自身部分内容物至靶细胞,调控细胞的功能状态,因此微粒作为一种细胞间信息传递方式,在体内发挥重要作用。 Microparticles(MPs) are small vesicles shedding from the cell membrane, containing abundant surface proteins and cytoplasmic components from the cells,sueh as surfaee receptors,eytokines, mRNA,and microRNA. MPs are involved in almost all physiological, pathophysinlogical behaviors, including thrombosis, atheroselerosis, rheumatic diseases,and malignancies. MPs transfer parts of themselves to the target cells to reg-ulate cell functional status. So,MPs play an important role in vivo as an intracellular information transmission.
出处 《医学综述》 2013年第18期3294-3296,共3页 Medical Recapitulate
关键词 微粒 细胞 信息传递 Mieropartieles Cell lnfnrmation transmission
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