

Research Progress in Functional Magnetic Resenance Imaging of Human Spinal Cord
摘要 功能磁共振成像(fMRI)技术于1990年诞生后即迅速发展,很快被用于脑神经元功能的研究,进而又成为评价脊髓功能的无创性影像学检查方法,并在健康人、脊髓疾病及损伤患者的研究中取得了诸多成果,不仅显示了与解剖部位相对应的脊髓神经元活动,还进一步探索、解释了脊髓激活区的病理生理学原理。脊髓fMRI初步揭示了脊髓功能活动的特点,必将在脊髓生理病理学研究中拥有更广阔的应用前景。 Functional MRI f(MRI) of the human spinal cord as a noninvasive means of assessing the spi- nal cord function has undergone considerable development since the first published report in 1990. Achieve-ments obtained from the research in healthy persons and patients with spinal cord disease and injury have not only showed the neuronal activity of spinal cord corresponding to the known neuroanatomy, but also tried to find out and explain the physiopathological background of the spinal cord activity. Spinal cord fMRI has re- vealed important details of the spinal cord activity, and will have wide applications in the physiopathological study of spinal cord.
作者 张媛媛 李威
出处 《医学综述》 2013年第18期3368-3371,共4页 Medical Recapitulate
关键词 脊髓 功能磁共振成像 运动任务 感觉刺激 Spinal cord Functional magnetic resenanee imaging Motion task Sensory stimulation
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