

Upgrade of the software monitoring system for LHCD in EAST
摘要 针对现有4MW/2.45GHz LHCD系统软件监控不足,为6MW/4.6GHz LHCD提出了具有更好可扩展性的分层软件监控模式,并利用跨平台开发框架Qt的QProcess和QTcpSocket等类,分别解决了进程间通信和网络通信的问题,并实现了监控服务器端和监控客户端。经过测试,新软件监控系统的响应时间在200ms以内,完全能够满足4.6GHz LHCD周期为2s的监控要求。 Given the deficiency of the monitoring system in 4MW/2.45GHz LHCD, a new layer-based mode of the software monitoring is formulated for 6MW/4.6GHz LHCD system, which intends to provide better scalability. Both the monitor server and monitor client are implemented after solution to inter-process and network communication was brought out by taking advantage of QProcess and QTcpSocket classes in cross-platform developing framework Qt. The response time of the new software monitoring system proves to be less than 200ms after practical test and able to fully satisfy the requirements of4.6GHz LHCD to monitor software devices within 2s.
出处 《核聚变与等离子体物理》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期262-266,共5页 Nuclear Fusion and Plasma Physics
基金 国家磁约束核聚变能研究专项资助(2010GB105002)
关键词 LHCD 软件监控 QT LHCD Software Monitoring Qt
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