

French Ministry for Higher Education and Research Released New Measures to Promote Research
摘要 2013年,法国新政府在教育和科研领域将逐步推进各项改革,其教研部拟推进的主要措施有:取消"盖昂通函",推行决策会商工作机制,实施超级联合大学计划,颁布新高等教育和科研法,确定未来科研优先领域,强化对欧盟科研影响力和加强科研人才队伍建设等。法国政府希望通过采取以上措施,继续保持法国的世界科技强国地位和优势。 In 2013 the French govemment is to push forward comprehensive reforms in education and scientific research fields in order to maintain its leading position and advantages in the world. The Ministry for Higher Education and Research of France is setting about to take the following measures for reforms: to revoke the Gu6ant Circular, to create the ASSISES, to carry out the Super-University Plan, to elaborate the New High Education and Research Law, to identify the priority for scientific research, to reinforce France's influence on European research network and to strengthen the S&T personnel team construction etc.
作者 史利平
机构地区 中国国土资源部
出处 《全球科技经济瞭望》 2013年第8期12-14,共3页 Global Science,Technology and Economy Outlook
关键词 法国 高等教育和科研部 “盖昂通函” 超级联合大学 法国高等教育和科研法 France Ministry of Higher Education and Research Gu6ant Circular super-university HighEducation and Research Law of France
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  • 2La Circulaire Gu6ant sur les Etudiants Erangers Officiellement Abrog6e [EB/OL]. [2013-03-02]. http://www.lemonde.fi-/polilique/ article/2012/05/31/la-eireulaire-gueant-sur-les-etudiants-etrangers-abrogee-ce-j eudi_ 1710020 823448.html.
  • 3Ministere de l'Enseignement Superieur et de la Recherche. Assises de l'Enseignement Sup6rieur et de la Recherche: Une D6marche Privil6giant la Concertation, la Transparence et la Confiance [EB/OL]. (2012-12-20) [2013 -03-02]. http:// www.enseignementsup-recherche.gouv, fr/cid60952/assises- de-l-enseignement-superieur-et-de-la-recherche-concertation- transparence-et-confiance.html.
  • 4Wikip6dia. Plan Campus [EB/OL]. [2013-03-02]. http:// fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plan_campus.
  • 5Peylet Roland. Rapport de la Mission Nationale d'Evalua- tion de l'Op6ration Campus[R/OL]. (2012-10-02)[2013-03-08]. http://cache.media.enseignementsup-recherche.gouv, fr/file/ Minkstre35/7/Rapport Peylet231357.pdf.
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  • 7Ministere de I'Enseignement Superieur et de la Recherche. Discours de Genevieve Fioraso lors de la Ceremonie des Voeux [R/OL]. (2013-01-21 ) [2013-03-10]. http://www. enseignementsup-recherche.gouv.fr/cid66873/discours-de- genevieve-fioraso-lors-de-la-ceremonie-des-voeux.html.
  • 8中华人民共和国驻法兰西共和国大使馆.科技公参韩军会见法国总统高等教育与科技顾问[EB/OL].(2012.12.22)[2013-03.10].http://www.amb-chine.fr/chn/sgxw/t1000117.htm.








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