
广东惠州市华侨精神疾病流行病学调查 被引量:2

An epidemiological survey of mental illness of Huizhou city,Guangdong
摘要 目的 了解惠州市杨侨镇越南归国华侨精神障碍的患病率及分布特点.方法 于2012年8月20日~9月20日采取整群抽样方法抽取杨侨镇5个办事处400户人为调查对象,其中200户为越南归国华侨,200户为非华侨.由具有5年以上精神科临床经验的医生采用1982年精神疾病流行病学调查协作组编写的《精神疾病流行病学调查手册》进行逐户筛选,参考《中国精神障碍分类与诊断标准(第3版)》(CCMD-3)对可疑精神障碍者进行诊断与分类.共调查了酒精依赖、精神分裂症、抑郁症等9个病种.结果 420人完成筛选,≥15岁为1244人,其中华侨为674人,非华侨为570人.华侨患病为40例(59.35‰),其中男性21例(31.16‰),女性19例(28.19‰);非华侨患病43例(75.44‰),其中男性24例(42.11‰),女性19例(33.33‰).调查的9个精神疾病病种在华侨和非华侨中的分布差异均无统计学意义(P均>0.05).结论 广东惠州市华侨精神疾病的患病率可能高于全国其他地区,但精神疾病患病情况在华侨和非华侨中的分布相当,精神分裂症仍是重点防治的疾病. Objective To understand the prevalence and distribution characteristics on mental disorders of overseas Chinese returned from Vietnam at Yang Qiaozhen, Huizhou city. Methods 400 households in 5 offices of Yang Qiao were surveyed by the cluster sampling method from August 20, 2012 to September 20th, of which 200 households were overseas Chinese returned from Vietnam,200 households were not overseas Chinese . For the diagnosis and classification of suspicious persons with mental disorders using the "China classification and diagnostic criteria of mental disorders " ( CCMD - 3), doctors who has more than 5 years clinical experience about psychiatric conducted screening in a door - to - door way taking the "manual of epidemiological investigation of mental disorders" which was wrote by a cooperation group of epidemiology investigation. Results 1420 people completed the screening, of which 1244 people were over 15 years , including 674 of overseas Chinese ,570 of non - overseas Chinese. 40 ca- ses of overseas Chinese returned from Vietnam, the prevalence was 59.35 %0, of which 21 were male, the prevalence rate was 31.16%o, and 19 cases were female, the prevalence rate was 28.19%o ; 43 cases of non overseas Chinese returned from Vietnam the prevalence was 75.44%0, of which 24 were male, the prevalence was 42.11%o , and 19 cases were female, the prevalence was 33.33%0. There were no statistical significance in the distribution difference of 9 mental disorders between overseas Chinese and non - Chinese Overseas (P 〉 0.05). Conclusion Compared with other parts of the country, there is no difference on the prevalence of mental disorders in Huizhou city, Guangdong, and the distribution of mental illness in overseas Chinese and non - o- verseas Chinese is equivalent.
出处 《四川精神卫生》 2013年第3期207-209,共3页 Sichuan Mental Health
基金 惠州市科技立项(2004Y61)
关键词 华侨 精神障碍 患病率 Overseas Chinese Mental disorders Prevaence
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