
不同渗透加工方式对冷贮藏芒果粒的硬度影响 被引量:1

Effect of Pectinmethylesterase Infusion Methods and Processing Techniques on Mangoes Firmness
摘要 本研究以早熟台农芒果品种果粒加工为研究对象,运用质构仪检测超高压渗透加工对商业酶制剂前处理液浸渍冷储藏芒果粒的硬度,分析果胶甲酯酶、钙含量组成处理液和超高压相结合对芒果粒品质属性硬度的影响,且进行相关性分析;在不同压力渗透加工操作单元过程中探讨经预处理的低温储藏果粒硬度变化。主要研究结果如下:添加果胶酯酶有助于提升果粒的质构,有效降低了机械加工果粒硬度的损失。芒果粒经过果胶甲酯酶PME和0.5%(m/m)CaCl2·2H2O组成预处理液及0.09 MPa,15 min真空协助渗透,结合450MPa,15 min超高压压力渗透,经TPA检测真空协助超高压渗透加工预处理组的果粒硬度比水渗透组的变化显著增加,冷藏果粒硬度从水渗透组的358.5g上升至预处理组的1111.7g,预处理组果粒硬度比水渗透组提高83.7%,且前处理技术果粒硬度比鲜果组提高18%,得到果粒的质构特性最好,有助于产品品质的提升。 Focusing on the pre-matured variation of mangoes in Hainan province of south China, tainong cultival of mangoes grains during cooling temperature storage were used as tested samples. The firmness property of mangoes cubes, with pressure and thermal infusion of peetinmethylesterase, were compared by TA Texturer. It was found that vacuum assilstant pressure infusion with PME and calclum chloride could improve the portion of firmness loss due to pressure treatment. TA Texturer showed that firmness of mangoes grains was significantly affected by vacuum-assisted impregnation (holding for 15 min at 0.09 MPa) solution with 0.5% (m/m) CaCI2·2H20 and PME preparation before high-pressure-treated infusion (holding for 15 rain at 450 MPa), being increased by 83.7% compared with that of control water infused samples. And the hardness was increased from 358.5 g to 1111.7 g, being 18% compared with for non-pretreated fresh fi'uits.
出处 《现代食品科技》 EI CAS 北大核心 2013年第9期2230-2234,共5页 Modern Food Science and Technology
基金 现代化农业食品加工关键技术集成创新与示范项目(2011A0902000780)
关键词 冷贮芒果果粒 渗透 硬度 cool-chain mangoes cubes infusion texture property firmness
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