

Effect of Diabetes on Ovarian Function:a Mini Review
摘要 随着糖尿病患者的逐年增多,糖尿病女性的不孕问题也越来越突出。研究发现,机体内长期未控制的高血糖环境可通过影响卵泡细胞内线粒体功能、卵巢内AngⅡ等刺激因子水平以及血中多种内分泌激素(如雌二醇、睾酮、孕激素和血胰岛素等)的浓度来影响卵巢内卵母细胞的成熟以及排出,损伤卵巢功能进而影响妊娠。控制血糖水平以及改善胰岛素抵抗等可能对改善糖尿病女性的卵巢功能有一定作用。 The number of patients with diabetes increased year by year. The infertility in those diabetic women is of important problem. It was found that the environment of long-term uncontrolled hyperglycemia could affect ovarian function and pregnancy by its effect on oocyte maturation and ovulation. The mechanism could be complicated, including the disturbed mitochondrial function of follicle cells, those ovarian stimulating factors such as Ang II, and the changed concentration of many hormones in blood (such as E2, T, P, insulin). It is benefit to improve ovarian function for those women with diabetes to control their blood glucose levels and to improve insulin resistance.
出处 《国际生殖健康/计划生育杂志》 CAS 2013年第5期412-414,共3页 Journal of International Reproductive Health/Family Planning
关键词 糖尿病 不育 女(雌)性 卵巢 线粒体 卵母细胞 胰岛素抗药性 Diabetes mellitus Infertility, female Ovary Mitochondria Oocytes Insulin resistance
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