灰岩地下水温度可以反映地温随深度的变化规律,为判别地下水来源提供依据。以潘北矿灰岩地下水温度为研究对象,利用该矿-490 m太原组灰岩巷道的放水试验工程,布置50个水温观测点,分四个时间段来系统观测了东、西两翼放水孔水温时空变化规律及异常特征,结果表明:C3Ⅰ组灰岩水源补给不仅来自本层灰岩含水层,在局部地段通过断层、裂隙通道与深部奥陶系和寒武系灰岩水发生了水力联系,这为A组煤层开采时灰岩水的防治提供了依据。
Temperature variation of limestone groundwater not only reflects the variation of earth temperature with depth, but also provides scientific basis for the classification of groundwater source. With of the test project of limestone tunnel at -490 meter, the paper makes a research on the variation and abnormal characteristics of water temperature in the eastern and western dewatering boreholes by noting the temperature of the limestone groundwater in 50 water tempera- ture observation points in different time. The results show that recharge of the limestone groundwater of C3 I group is main- ly achieved by its own aquifer, and in some region is also because of the hydraulic relationship with the limestone groundw- ater of Ordovician and Cambrian system through fault and fracture channels at partial section. The research provides scien- tific basis for the prevention and control of the limestone water of a group coal during mining process.
Ground water
Limestone aquifer, observation system, groundwater temperature and water conductive structure