以水稻种子为实验材料,研究单纯的微囊藻毒素溶液及加入不同浓度、不同营养盐的微囊藻毒素溶液对水稻早期阶段生长的影响,试图找到有效抑制或降解微囊藻毒素毒性的营养盐种类及其浓度。选定MCRR浓度为1 000μg/L,营养盐分别为K2COM3、NH4CL、NaHCO3、(NH4)2SO4、NH4H2PO4、NH4NO3及腐植酸钠,营养盐溶液均有3.0 g/L、6.0 g/L、9.0 g/L及12.0 g/L四种浓度。试验条件下,用上述各种溶液对水稻种子进行分组灌溉,室温培养14天后测量各组水稻苗的株高和鲜重。实验结果表明:①1 000μg/L的微囊藻毒素显著抑制水稻生长;②营养盐存在条件下,水稻的生长受抑制程度增强,盐浓度越高抑制作用越强,其中氯化铵抑制作用最强,腐植酸钠抑制作用最弱。
To find the nutrient solution to inhibit the effect of microcystin toxicity, the paper takes a series of experi- ments in which paddy are irrigated with pure mierocystin solution and nutrient solution of different salt concentration and their impact to the early stage of paddy growth are recorded respectively. In the experiments, the MC - RR concentration is 1000μg/L and the salt added in pure microcystin solution are K2CO3, NH4CL, NaHCO3, (NH4) 2SO4, NH4H2PO4, NH4NO3 and sodium humate. All kinds of nutrient solution are made up in concentration of 3.0g/L, 6.0g,/L, 9.0g/L and 12.0g/L. The plant height and fresh weight of paddy, which are grow in room temperature, are measured after 14 - day irrigation with nutrient solution of different concentration and different salt. The result shows that the inhibition of pad- dy growth increase along with the increase of the concentration of nutrient salt. The inhibitional effect of NHaCL solution is strongest, while that of sodium humate solution is weakest.
Ground water
Microcystin, nutrient salt, paddy and inhibition