

A ranked method of ciphertext retrieval based on history
摘要 为了解决密文检索实际应用过程中,存在的安全性问题、检索效率低下及检索结果存在冗余,对用户的需求针对性不强等问题,通过对现有的密文检索进行分析与研究.提出改进的密文索引构建策略,提出基于历史的密文检索结果排序方案,设计并实现密文检索原型系统,在保证密文检索安全和检索效率的同时,使检索的结果更加符合用户的需求. To resolve the shortcomings in the application process of ciphertext retrieval system, such as the security, the efficiency of retrieval, redundancy and less friendly to users, this paper first proposed an improved ciphertext index build strategy and a ranked method of ciphertext retrieval based on histo- ry by analyzing and researching the existing ciphertext retrieval. Then the ciphertext retrieval system had been designed and implemented. The test results showed the system had improved the efficiency of retrieval and guaranteed the security of the system, meanwhile, the retrieval results were more friend- ly to users.
出处 《北京交通大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期118-122,共5页 JOURNAL OF BEIJING JIAOTONG UNIVERSITY
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61202478)
关键词 云存储 密文检索 索引技术 排序算法 历史记录 cloud storage ciphertext retrieval index technology ranking algorithm history
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