
硫化类型对RTV-2氟硅密封胶性能的影响 被引量:1

Effects of Vulcanization Reagents on Properties of RTV-2 Fluorosilicone Sealants
摘要 以自制的端羟基氟硅共聚物为基础聚合物,ZnO为填料,二月桂酸二丁基锡为催化剂,分别采用正硅酸乙酯、甲基三丁酮肟基硅烷(D31)、甲基三乙酰氧基硅烷(D17)为交联剂,制得脱醇型、脱酮肟型和脱醋酸型双组分室温硫化(RTV-2)氟硅密封胶。探讨了硫化类型对氟硅密封胶表干时间、耐热空气老化性能、耐油性能、热失重性能以及动态热机械性能的影响。结果表明:脱酮肟型氟硅密封胶具有良好的综合性能:玻璃化转变温度为-114℃;热质量损失率为10%时的温度达到482.2℃;经200℃×24 h老化后,拉伸强度降低4%,拉断伸长率降低7%。 The dealcoholic, ketonic oxime and acetate RTV-2 fluorosilicone sealants were prepared by self-made hydroxyl-terminated fluorosilicone eopolymer as the polymer matrix, ZnO as the filler, dibutyhin dilaurate as the catalyst, ethyl orthosilicate, trimethylbutylketoneoximesilane (D31) and triacetoxylmethylsilane (D17) as the crosslinking agents, respectively. The effect of the different vulcanization reagents on the tack free time, the thermal aging properties in air, oil resistance performance, thermogravimetric performance and dynamic thermomechanical properties of fluorosilicone sealants was discussed. Results showed that the ketonic oxime fluorosilicone sealant had better physical and thermal properties with a glass transition temperature of - 114℃, a temperature of 10% weight loss at 482. 2℃, and a decrease of tensile strength and elongation at break of 4% and 7% , respectively after aging for 24 hours at 200 ℃.
出处 《有机硅材料》 CAS 2013年第5期358-361,共4页 Silicone Material
关键词 室温硫化 氟硅密封胶 正硅酸乙酯 甲基三丁酮肟基硅烷 甲基三乙酰氧基硅烷 RTV, fluorosilicon, sealant, ethyl silicate, trimethylethylketoneoximesilane, methyl triacetoxyl silane
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