
北极圈及邻区重要矿产资源找矿勘查新进展 被引量:11

New Progress on the Exploration of the Important Mineral Resources of the Arctic Circle and Its Adjacent Region
摘要 北极圈及邻区各类矿产资源十分丰富,是美国、加拿大和北欧诸国以及俄罗斯的重要矿产资源供给基地,其找矿勘查和开发利用历来为国际矿业界所关注。受国际市场金属价格坚挺、气候变暖和基础设施改善等多种因素的影响,近几年来,有关国家加大了这一地区找矿勘查和矿业开发投资力度,并且发现和圈定了一大批矿床。这些新发现矿床的开发利用必将为区域和全球经济发展以及社会进步注入新的活力。对美国、加拿大和北欧诸国(含格陵兰岛)以及俄罗斯北极圈及邻区产出的主要矿床(点)的空间分布特点和找矿潜力进行了讨论,对该区的找矿勘查和开发利用态势进行了总结,目的旨在进一步提高我国地质学家对这一特殊地区矿产资源重要性的认知水平,进而为实施"两个市场、两种资源"的全球矿产资源战略构想提供科学依据。 Arctic Circle and its adjacent region (ACAR) contain various abundant mineral deposits and therefore its mining exploration and development has been concerned by the international mining society for a long time. During the past hundred years, the ACAR has been one of the most important metallic re- source suppliers to USA, Canada, Russia and European Union. Metals are produced from active mines in all countries of ACAR except Iceland and related industries are thriving in all countries. Important metallic mineral deposit types include volcanic massive sulfide copper-polymetallic deposit, magmatic Ni, PGE, Cr, Ti±V deposits, structure-related gold deposit, intrusion-related copper and gold deposit and sedimentary lead-zinc deposits. Besides these well-documented deposits, new type of deposits are being explored, e. g. , iron oxide-copper-gold (IOCG) and shale-hosted Ni-Zn-Cu deposits. With the recently discoveries of several world-class metallic deposits and the re-open of a number of old mines, the regional metallogenic studies and mineral exploration of the region has attracted attention from the international geologists. To carry out the idea of "two types of mining markets and two kinds of mineral resources" in China, the ACAR will be one of the best choices. Although the ACAR is still a frontier area with great challenge for exploration and mining, the present high activity of exploration indicates that this area has a very broad prospecting. For a clearly understanding the potential of mineral resources in the ACAR, the present mineral exploration situation and basic geological features of the important mineral deposits have been summarized. Meanwhile, the geological setting and exploration potential have been discussed in this paper. The purpose of this work is to fill the knowledge gaps of our understanding on the potential of mineral resources of the ACAR. To better find new mineral deposits in the ACAR, we need more detailed studies both on regional metallogeny and individual deposit.
出处 《地质科技情报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期1-8,共8页 Geological Science and Technology Information
基金 中国地质调查局项目"全球巨型成矿带区域构造与成矿地质背景对比研究"(1212011120326)
关键词 金属矿床 地质特征 矿床类型 找矿勘查态势 找矿潜力分析 北极圈及邻区 metallic mineral deposit geological feature deposit type mineral exploration situation explo- ration potential analyses Arctic circle and its adjacent region
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