
格陵兰重要金属矿简介及分布规律 被引量:7

The Brief Introduction and Distribution Regularity of Important Ore Deposits Occurring in Greenland
摘要 格陵兰岛是除南极大陆之外的唯一拥有大片未开发处女地的大岛,金属矿产资源丰富。近年来随着气候变暖和资源紧缺加剧,格陵兰的矿产资源越来越为世界各国所关注。在简要介绍格陵兰及其地质演化的基础上,重点阐述了格陵兰各地质构造单元中主要矿床(点)的分布特征,系统介绍了格陵兰具有优势的稀土矿、铁矿、铬铁矿、铂族元素矿、金刚石、金矿、钼矿、铅锌矿、IOCG矿床、镍矿的主要矿床(点)分布规律,旨在增进人们对于格陵兰金属矿产资源的了解,进而为中国企业参与格陵兰的矿产勘查开发提供参考。 Greenland is the only outside except Antarctica with vast unexploited virgin land large island, is rich in metallic mineral resources. In recent years, this island has been paid more and more attention because of the global warming and resources shortage. In order to improve the understanding of the metal ore deposit resources in Greenland, and to provide valuable references of Greenland for the "going out" strategy for Chinese enterprises, this paper simply introduces the geological evolution of Greenland, and the main deposits and ore occurrences of every geotectonic units. Distribution law of rare earth mine, iron deposits, chromite deposits, platinum group elements, diamond, gold, molybdenite, lead-zinc mine, and IOCG depositand nickel minerals are systematically introduced in this paper.
出处 《地质科技情报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期18-25,共8页 Geological Science and Technology Information
基金 中国地质调查局项目"全球巨型成矿带区域构造与成矿地质背景对比研究"(1212011120326) 中央地勘基金项目([2011]D3-09)
关键词 格陵兰 金属矿床 分布规律 Greenland metal deposit distribution law
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