希特伦峡湾(Citronen Fjord)铅锌矿是处于储量扩展和可行性研究阶段的世界级原生铅锌矿床,也是目前所知世界上最北端的铅锌矿床。希特伦峡湾的褶皱和逆冲断层较发育,矿化区主要有迪斯卡弗里(Discovery)区、比奇(Beach)区和伊斯茹姆(Esrum)区,矿体呈NW-SE走向,主要赋存在晚奥陶世—早志留世泥岩和页岩中,主要的硫化物是黄铁矿、闪锌矿和方铅矿。硫化物δ34S值变化于+7‰^+35‰间(CDT),多数在+10‰^+25‰间,铅同位素具有放射铅成因特征。成矿流体温度在80~160℃之间,属中低温热液型。希特伦峡湾铅锌矿在成因上为喷流沉积型(SEDEX)矿床。格陵兰岛赋存和产出许多铅锌矿,尤其是北格陵兰古生代的富兰克林阶盆地,其东西向延伸超过2 500km,这个未充分开发的盆地将是勘探铅锌矿的优良靶区。
The Citronen Fjord lead-zinc deposit, in reserve expansion and feasibility study stage by now, is a world-class protogenesis lead-zinc deposit. It is also known as the most northern lead-zinc deposit in the world. Both folds and thrust faults are well developed in the Citronen Fjord area and the lead-zinc ore deposit is generally a NW--SE striking trend, mineralization zone is mainly located in Discovery Zone, Beach Zone and Esrum Zone. The ore body is hosted by Upper Ordovician-Lower Silurian mudstone and shale, and the main sulphides include pyrite, sphalerite and galena. The δ34S values of sulphide minerals from the Citronen Fjord ore deposit range from + 7‰ to -1- 35‰ (CDT), with the bulk of analyses in the range from + 10‰ to + 25‰ while the lead isotope has radiogenic characteristic. The ore-forming fluid temperature are in epithermal, ranging from 80℃ to 160℃. The Citronen Fjord lead-zinc deposit is genetically a SEDEX deposit. Lead-zinc resources are abundant in Greenland, and in particular, abundant in the Palaeozoic Franklinian Basin of North Greenland which extends for more than 2,500 km E-W. This under-explored basin is believed to be an excellent target area for lead-zinc exploration in future.
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