某铜矿矿石溜井自建成投入使用以来,断面由圆形变为不规则形状,尺寸由3 m变为超过20 m,最大面积接近300 m2,矿、废石井井壁由建成初期的距离25 m,到修复前距离约13 m,如果继续塌方将有垮通的危险,而根据矿山生产计划,该溜井还要有较长的服务年限。采用数值仿真的方法对溜井的稳定性进行了分析,对溜井垮塌过程相互影响机理做了研究。以莫尔-库伦强度准则为依据,重点分析围岩应力状态在sig3-sig1坐标平面内变化,得到了溜井在垮塌过程围岩应力变化规律,初步确定了目前溜井的运行状态,为进一步分析溜井稳定性和溜井支护、加固提供了依据。
Since the ore drop shaft of a copper mine was built, sections have changed from circular to irregular shape and its size have changed from 3 meter to 20 meter. The maximum area nearly approach 300 square meters, and the side-wall distance between the two passes changed from 25 meters to about 13 meters. If the collapse is continued to happen, the danger of caving will be appeared. However, according to the production plan of the mine, the drop shafts have longer service life. Analysis of the stability of the drop shafts is done by numerical simulation method and some relative researches on the mechanism of the collapse process influence of drop shafts is done. Based on Mohr-Culomb failure criterion, the paper gave the emphasis on the analysis of stress state of surrounding rock changed in the sig3-sigl coordinate plane, getting the variation law of stress preliminarily established stable states of the passes which sets up the basis on later research of reinforcing and support of rocks.
Modern Mining
Drop shafts, Mutual influence of two drop shafts, Numerical simulation, Mohr-Culomb failure criterion, Stability of surrounding rock