This paper discusses some views and assertions of Chinese culture by Jao Tsung-I, dubbed by many as "Dongzhou Hongru" (the erudite scholar of the East) and "Guoxue Dashi" (the master of Chinese culture), through the angles of "multieuhural and historical perspective" and "time-spatial cultural-histori- cal perspective" respectively. Jao Tsung-I's scholarship puts an emphasis on "Tri-fold Evidence Methodol- ogy" , namely field archaeology, historical records and oracle bone scripts. He on the one hand uses Chinese exegetics to trace the origin, applying philology to the study of culture and history, while on the other hand ac- quires a keen insight into a comprehensive view of the situation from bibliography. The attainment of being a great learned literate results in Jao' s time-spatial cuhural-historical perspective with a convergence of the an- cient and the modernized. The academic achievements of Jao contribute to important inspiration and valuable cultural heritage for future scholars.
Journal of Hanshan Normal University
Jao Tsung-I
A Journey of Culture