
滇缅边境地区非法居留问题思考——以德宏州边境地区为例 被引量:3

Reflect on Illegal Residence in Yunnan and Burma Border Area
摘要 滇缅边境地区是中国沿边开放的前沿阵地和对外贸易与国际交流的重要窗口。随着德宏被定位为中国西南开放桥头堡建设的黄金口岸后,流入的外籍人口与日俱增,在推动社会经济发展的同时,也带来非法居留等新的管理问题,给边境民族地区社会稳定带来沉重的压力。积极探讨解决滇缅边境地区非法居留问题的途径,创新实有人口服务管理模式,是公安社会管理创新亟待解决的新问题。笔者认为,滇缅边境地区非法居留问题突出最重要原因是边民入境通婚登记率很低,核心问题是婚姻主体一方及其子女国籍身份难以认定。因此,在借鉴德宏州边民入境通婚备案登记制度的基础上,尽快解决国籍身份认定,积极提供入籍服务,促进滇缅边境地区社会经济的稳定发展。 Ynnnan and Burma border area is in the forefront of Claim's opening--up and the important window of foreign trade and international communication. The foreign people have increased rapidly since Dehong Autonomous Prefecture is positioned as the golden port in China Southwest Bridgehead Construction. While promoting the social and economic development, it has also brought issues like illegal residence, which causes heavy pressure to the stability of border area. To explore the way to solve the problem of illegal residence in Yunnan and Burma border area actively, and innovate the service management imdel of actual population, are the new issues needed to be solved imperatively in public security so- cial nnnagement. ~he author believes that the most important factor of the illegal residence in Yunnan and Burma border area is the low registration rate of the border intermarries; it will be very hard to identify the children's nationality. Therefore, the border intermarriage registration system of Debong should be referenced to identify the children's nationality, provide the naturalization service actively, and improve the stability of social and economic development in Yunnan and Burrma border area.
作者 张爱华
机构地区 云南警官学院
出处 《云南警官学院学报》 2013年第5期38-42,共5页 The Journal of Yunnan Police College
关键词 非法居留 边民入境通婚备案登记 国籍身份认定 实有人口服务管理 illegal residence, border intermarriage registration, identify the nationality, the service management model of actual population
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