
经济转型期的工作经验回报——以中国城镇为例 被引量:2

Economic Returns to Labor Market Experience: During the Transition Period in Urban China,1988-2003
摘要 借助长达16年的城镇家计调查数据估计了中国城镇经济转型期的工作经验回报。发现,工作经验回报率出现相当程度的下降,以年平均工作经验衡量的工作经验回报率从1988年的2.3%下降到1.3%。这种下降主发生在1988—2000年之间,表现为20年以上工作经验人群的工资回报显著下降。在加入各种不同的控制变量之后,回归结果仍然稳健。 This study provides the first estimates of the returns to experience in urban China over an extended period of economic reforms. We find that there has been a dramatic decrease in the marginal returns to additional one year of working experience, from 2.3 percent in1988 to 1.3 percent in 2003. Most of the decrease in the returns to experience occurred during 1988 -2000 period and reflected a substantial decrease in the wage premium for the experienced { over 20 years of experience, older ) workers. The decrease is observed within groups defined by sex, education attainment, region, and ownership, and is robust to the inclusion of different control variables
作者 李晓华
出处 《广播电视大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2013年第3期10-16,共7页 Journal of Radio & TV University(Philosophy & Social Sciences)
基金 国家自然科学基金 项目编号:71003104
关键词 经济转型 工作经验回报 中国城镇 Economic transition Return to experience Urban China
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