
“语言分析哲学”的一个新动态——布兰顿的意义理论概览 被引量:6

A New Trend of Analytic Philosophy of Language——Brandom's Theory of Meaning
摘要 自从语言转由之后,"语言分析哲学"经历了不同的发展阶段,出现了相应的研究形态。布兰顿的分析实用主义的意义理论昭示着分析哲学的新动态,是哲学上的新的里程碑。根据"语言分析哲学"的八个基本形态,可以得出一条结论:"语言分析哲学"的前景与任务离不开意义问题的研究,"意义追问"比"真的追求"更应该是"语言分析哲学"的核心内容。 Ever since the linguistic turn, analytic philosophy of language has undergone a series of development, coming along with different types of philosophical investigation. Brandom' s theory of meaning from the perspective of analytic pragmatism, which is regarded as a new milestone in philos- ophy, represents a new trend of analytic philosophy. Based on a survey of the 8 basic types of analytic philosophy of language, a conclusion has been reached that analytic philosophers of language should remain committed to the pursuit of meaning rather than truth because the study of meaning is indispensable to analytic philosophy of language.
作者 杜世洪 李飞
出处 《自然辩证法研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第9期9-15,共7页 Studies in Dialectics of Nature
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"话语理解中他心语境与语义连贯的互动关系研究"(12BYY122) 教育部人文社会科学青年基金项目"如何借言行事:递归性的语用视角"(13YJC740051)
关键词 语言分析哲学 意义理论 实用主义 布兰顿 意义 analytic philosophy of language theory of meaning pragmatism Brandom meaning
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