板栗矢尖蚧、梨圆蚧在禄劝县海拔 15 0 0~ 2 0 0 0m的板栗种植园内混合发生 ,两种虫害 1年均发生 3代 ,其中较低海拔栗林梨圆蚧发生严重 ,矢尖蚧发生较轻 ;阳坡栗林矢尖蚧危害严重 ,阴坡栗林梨圆蚧危害严重。对板栗物候和两种蚧虫生活史的观察得出 ,药物防治的最佳时间为板栗抽梢现蕾期 (4月上旬 )及落叶期 (11月上旬 )。防治试验表明利用速扑杀和氧化乐果喷雾防治两种蚧虫效果良好 ,其中速扑杀 10 0 0倍液防治这两种蚧虫效果最佳 ,矢尖蚧的虫口减退率达 99% ,梨圆蚧的虫口减退率达 95 %。
Occurring three generations per year, Unaspis yanonensis and Quadraspidiotus perniciosus did harm to Castanea mollissima in the plantation with the altitude of 1 500~2 000m in Luquan.Occurrence of Quadraspidiotus permiciosus in Castanen mollissima plantation at lower atitude was more serious than that at higher atitude. Unaspis yanonensis does great harm in south facing slope and Quadraspidiotus perniciosus does great harm in north facing slope. Observation on phenophase of Castanea mollissima and life cycle of the two pests concluded that the best time to control these two pests by chemicals is the period of sprouting and bud appearing (early days of April),and the period of leaf falling (early days of November). The control experiment showed that both Supusa and omethoate have good effects, and the effect of 1 000 times diluted supusa was the best, with which the decrease of the Unaspis yanonensis population could reach 99%, and that of Quadraspidiotus perniciosus could reach 95%.
Yunnan Forestry Science and Technology
Unaspis yanonensis ,Quadraspidiotus perniciosus ,occurrence,prevention and control methods