
不同畜禽肌肉脂肪酸组成的对比分析 被引量:16

Comparative analysis of intramuscular fatty acid composition of different hind leg meat
摘要 采用GC-MS测定猪、牛、鸡、兔后腿肌脂肪酸组成的相对百分含量和实际当量,测定结果表明四者的主要脂肪酸组成有17种,其中棕榈酸(16∶0)、硬脂酸(18∶0)、油酸(18∶1n-9)、亚油酸(18∶2n-6)和花生四烯酸(20∶4n-3)的总含量占肌肉总脂肪酸含量分别为84.35%、79.71%、81.78%、81.19%。n-6/n-3比率猪肉最高,鸡肉、兔肉次之,牛肉最低。就综合营养价值而言,兔肉最高,牛肉、鸡肉次之,猪肉最低。 The relative percentage and actual content of the fatty acids composition of hind leg muscle of the pork,beef,chicken,rabbit were determined by GC-MS. The result showed that there were 17 principal fatty acids in the muscle,where in the content of palmitic acid(16:0),stearic acid(18:0),oleic acid(18:1n-9),linoleic acid (18:2n-6) and arachidonic acid (20:4n-3) were 84.35%, 79.71% ,81.78% ,81.19% of the total content of fatty acids. The n-6/n-3 ratio of pork was the highest,followed by chicken and rabbit,and beef was the least. Comprehensive nutritional value of rabbit was the best,followed by beef and chicken ,and pork was the lowest.
出处 《食品工业科技》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第18期123-126,共4页 Science and Technology of Food Industry
基金 农业部国家兔产业技术体系岗位科学家项目(CARS-44-D-1) 农业部公益性行业(农业)科研专项(201303144)
关键词 肌内脂肪 脂肪酸组成 营养价值 intramuscular fat fatty acid composition nutritional value
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