
单中心28年儿童原发性肾病综合征临床与病理分析 被引量:16

Clinicopathological analysis of primary nephrotic syndrome in children based on 28 years renal biopsy data: a single center
摘要 目的 分析儿童原发性肾病综合征(PNS)临床与病理的关系及病理构成的变迁情况.方法 回顾性分析1984年1月至2011年12月在中山大学附属第一医院小儿肾病中心行肾活检、年龄≤14岁的PNS患儿的临床和病理资料,并分为1984年至1991年、1992年至2001年和2002年至2011年3个阶段进行比较分析.结果 共363例PNS患儿纳入研究,病理类型构成:微小病变(MCD) 168例(46.3%),局灶节段性肾小球硬化(FSGS)77例(21.2%),系膜增生性肾小球肾炎(MsPGN) 76例(20.9%),膜增生性肾小球肾炎(MPGN)14例(3.9%),膜性肾病(MN)12例(3.3%),硬化性肾小球肾炎(CSGN)3例(0.8%),新月体肾炎(CrGN)2例(0.6%),其他11例(3.0%).363例患儿中单纯型NS 205例(56.5%),其中64.9%病理为MCD.肾炎型NS158例(43.5%),第2阶段肾炎型NS病理类型以MsPGN为主(占36.4%),第3阶段以FSGS最多见(占39.6%).频复发(FR) NS 180例(49.6%)、激素依赖(SD) NS 49例(13.5%)、SD/FRNS的病理类型以MCD最为多见(62.2%),其次为MsPGN(13.3%)和FSGS(13.3%).激素耐药NS(SRNS) 172例(47.4%),其中54.1%(93/172例)为原发耐药NS (PSRNS),45.9%(79/172例)为继发耐药NS(SSRNS).PSRNS和SSRNS的病理类型比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).SRNS第2阶段最常见的病理类型为MsPGN,占41.5%,而第3阶段为FSGS,占41.5%.108例(29.8%)患儿肾组织无免疫复合物沉积,病理类型主要为MCD(63.9%).96例(26.4%)肾组织免疫荧光以IgM沉积为主,其中SRNS 46例(47.9%),SD/FRNS 36例(37.5%).结论 儿童PNS病理类型主要为MCD、MsPGN和FSGS,临床和病理有一定的联系.近20年来,FSGS病例数增加,MsPGN的病例数减少.肾炎型NS、SD/FRNS、SRNS建议及早行肾活检,必要时重复肾活检. Objective To analyze the relationship between pathology and clinical features and the changing tendency of pathologic constitution in children with primary nephrotic syndrome (PNS).Methods A retrospective study was done at pediatric renal biopsy database of the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University starting from Jan.1984 to Dec.2011.All of these patients were diagnosed as PNS and under 14 years old.The cases were categorized into 3 periods:period 1 (1984 to 1991),period 2 (1992 to 2001),and period 3 (2002 to 2011).Results A total of 363 patients were investigated in this study.Renal pathology revealed that there were 168 (46.3%) patients with minimal change disease(MCD),77 cases (21.2%) with focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS),76 cases (20.9%)with mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis (MsPGN),14 cases (3.9%) with membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis(MPGN),12 cases(3.3%) with membranous glomerulopathy(MN),3 cases(0.8%) with chronic sclerosing glomerulonephritis (CSGN),2 cases (0.6%) with crescentic glomerulonephritis (CrGN) and other 11 cases (3.0%).Two hundred and five cases(56.5%) showed simple NS and 64.9% of them were MCD.One hundred and fifty-eight cases (43.5%) showed nephritic NS in which the most common pathological type was MsPGN (36.4%) in the second period and FSGS(39.6%) in the third period.There were 180 cases (49.6%) that frequently relapse with NS (FRNS)and 49(13.5%) steroid-dependent NS(SDNS).MCD(62.2%) occupied the largest proportion of FR/SDNS,followed by MsPGN (13.3 %) and FSGS (13.3 %).One hundred and seventy-two cases (47.4%) showed steroid resistant (SR)and 54.1% (93/172 cases) of them were primary steroid resistant(PSR).No significant difference was found between pathological type of PSRNS and secondary steroid resistant NS (SSRNS) (P > 0.05).The most common pathological type of SRNS was MsPGN (41.5%) in period 2 and FSGS (41.5%) in period 3.There was no immune complex present in 108 cases(29.8%) in which the main pathological type was MCD (63.9%).Ninety-six cases (26.4%)mainly presented with IgM,of which 47.9% were SRNS and 37.5% were SD/FRNS.Conclusions The main pathological types are MCD,MsPGN and FSGS in children's PNS.There is a relationship between clinic and pathology.FSGS cases have been increasing while MsPGN cases have been decreasing in recent 20 years.It is advised to perform the renal biopsy early for nephritic NS,SD/FRNS and SRNS and repeat the biopsy if necessary.
出处 《中华实用儿科临床杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第17期1310-1314,共5页 Chinese Journal of Applied Clinical Pediatrics
基金 2012年广东省大学生创新计划项目(1055812310) 2012中山大学医科业余科研项目(62)
关键词 肾病综合征 原发性 肾活检 病理 儿童 Nephrotic syndrome, primary Renal biopsy Pathology Child
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