Aiming at the influence of the fuel distribution on the flow mechanism in scramjet duct, combustion mode, engine performance and adjustment characteristic, a one-dimensional scram- jet analysis model was established. Simulation of flow process in one-stage/two-stage fuel distribution percent is carried under three different cases, including Ma 6/ψ, Ma 6/ψ 0.6, Ma 4/ψ 1. Scramjet per- formance in different fuel distribution is obtained. The analysis results show that the flow mechanism, combustion mode and engine performance are strongly dependent on the one-stage/two-stage fuel dis- tribution percent. For the case of Ma 6hp 1, combustion in the duct can be organized in supersonic flow when one-stage combustor fuel distribution is at the range of 30%-70%, whose maximum spe- cific impulse exceeds 800 s. For the case ofMa 6ψ 0.6, combustion is always organized in supersonic
Journal of Rocket Propulsion