
OFDM基带处理器的DSP设计与实现 被引量:2

Design and implementation of OFDM baseband processor based on DSP
摘要 IEEE 802.11p协议是针对车载环境应用制定的物理层(physical Layer,PHY)与媒体接入控制层(media ac-cess control,MAC)标准。作为智能交通系统的一部分,该协议能极大增加车辆与外界沟通的通讯能力。通过研究802.11p协议和802.11a协议的异同点,在802.11a的基础上给出了采用DSP(digital signal processor)进行802.11p物理层的OFDM(orthogonal frequency division multiplexing)基带处理的设计与实现方案,并给出了基于经典SC算法的接收端保持同步的DSP处理方法。经过仿真及DSP片上系统验证,测试结果表明,设计达到了预期效果。 IEEE 802.11p is the standard of physical Layer(PHY) and Media Access Control(MAC) protocol made for Vehicle Ad-hoc Networks(VANETs)by the IEEE workgroups.As a part of the intelligent transportation systems,the protocol can greatly raise the communication capability of the vehicle to the outside.By contrasting the differences between 802.11p and 802.11a protocol,the paper presents the design and implementation with DSP for baseband processor of PHY adopted Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing(OFDM) based on 802.11p,and resolves synchronization of receiving part based on classic SC algorithm by DSP.Finally,the test result which proves to achieve the expectant results is given by simulation and confirmation of the DSP system.
出处 《重庆邮电大学学报(自然科学版)》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期475-479,共5页 Journal of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家重大科学仪器设备开发专项(2012YQ20022404) 大学生科研训练计划项目(A2012-67) 国家自然科学基金(61171111)~~
关键词 IEEE802 11p 正交频分复用技术 数字信号处理器 基带处理器 IEEE 802.11p orthogonal frequency division multiplexing(OFDM) digital signal processor(DSP) digital signal processor baseband processor
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