

Applying Palmar Apnneurosis Partial Resection in the Treatment of Contracture of Palmar Fascia
摘要 目的探讨应用掌腱膜部分切除治疗掌腱膜挛缩的,陆床效果。方法对15例掌腱膜挛缩患者进行了掌腱膜部分切除。结艰所有患者伤口1期愈合。无皮肤坏死及手指感觉障碍。术后随访3~18月,3例术后背伸功能轻度受限.其余功能较好。结论应用掌腱膜部分切除治疗掌腱膜挛缩症是一种效果比较满意的手术方式。 Objective To explore the clinical Results of applying palmar aponeurosis partial resection to treat contracture of palmar fascia. Methods Palmar aponeurosis partial resection was used to treat 15 patients of contracture of palmar fascia. Results The wounds healed hy the first intension. There were no cutaneous necrosis and sensory disability of the fingers. With routinely follow- up range from 3-18 months, three patients' flexion- extension function were limited lightly. Conclusions: Palmar aponeurosis partial resection was a potent method in treating cootraeture of palrnar fascia
作者 张玉海
出处 《中国农村卫生》 2013年第04Z期52-53,共2页
关键词 掌腱膜挛缩症 外科治疗 部分切除 Contracture of palmar Surgical treatment Palmar aponeurosis partial resection
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