
中国城市排水之问 被引量:14

Problems of urban drainage in China
摘要 论述城市雨洪的形成、洪涝的基本类型以及城市排水系统的水文学和水力学基础。总结了中国城市排水存在的主要问题:城市发展快速、粗放;城市建设重地表轻地下;排水系统设计标准偏低且升级困难;城市建设防汛意识淡薄,灾害预警能力不达标等。提出了若干解决中国城市排水问题的措施:从整体上规划布局地下排水管网建设;修订暴雨强度公式,提高排水设计标准;实施雨污分流,整治城市河道;改造不透水下垫面,增加渗透铺装、绿地和湿地面积;建立长效管理体制,加强灾害预警等。 The formation of urban floods,the basic types of urban floods,and the basic hydrologic and hydraulic theories for research of urban drainage systems are discussed.The main problems of urban drainage in China are summarized as follows: urban cities develop with rapid and extensive patterns,people pay attention to construction of buildings on the ground but ignore construction of underground drainage networks,the design criteria of drainage systems are relatively low and are difficult to upgrade,the city's flood prevention consciousness is weak during city construction,and the disaster warning capabilities are substandard.Several ideas and measures to solve these problems are suggested: the underground drainage networks should be constructed with overall planning,the rainstorm intensity formula should be revised to improve the design criteria of drainage systems,rainfall-sewage separation should be implemented and urban rivers should be regulated,surface infiltration should be increased,greenbelts and wetland areas should be protected and expanded,and a long-acting management mechanism to enhance disaster warning should be established.
出处 《水利水电科技进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期1-5,共5页 Advances in Science and Technology of Water Resources
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目(41130639)
关键词 城市洪涝 城市排水系统 水文学 水力学 排水设计标准 低影响开发 urban flood urban drainage system hydrology hydraulics design criterion of drainage system low impact development
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