
四川省农村家庭人均收入与农民卫生行为关系的分析 被引量:3

Family Per Capita Income and the Health Behavior of Farmers in Rural Areas of Sichuan Province
摘要 目的分析四川省农村家庭人均收入与农民疾病负担、饮用水、卫生习惯及卫生厕所等卫生行为的关系,为政府决策提供科学依据。方法根据随机抽样原则,在全省51个监测县进行入户调查,通过现场观察、走访和询问的方式完成调查表的填写。将被调查家庭按照上一年度家庭人均收入排序后分为3组,对各组的调查结果进行统计分析。结果人均收入较低家庭上一年度医药费占收入比例达到26.75%,疾病负担较重;被调查家庭饮用水类型均以井水和自来水为主,但各组家庭中饮用自来水的户数构成比均不到30%;饮水习惯以喝开水和桶装纯净水为主,这两种饮水习惯的家庭在收入较高、中等及较低组中的构成比分别为95.3%、93.0%、93.0%,收入较高组中饮用生水的家庭相对较少,各组家庭喝生水户数的构成比差异有统计学意义(χ2等于18.36,P小于0.05)。收入较高家庭组中饭前便后都洗手的家庭数要多于其余2组家庭,构成比差异有统计学意义(χ2等于43.08,P小于0.05)。收入较高、中等及较低家庭中室内卫生为干净的户数构成比分别为67.6%、52.8%、54.3%,差异有统计学意义(χ2等于90.15,P小于0.05)。随着收入水平降低,各组家庭中使用卫生厕所的户数构成比分别为80.6%、65.4%、60.9%,差异有统计学意义(χ2等于164.34,P小于0.05)。结论农村低收入家庭的卫生条件和卫生意识都更差,他们面临的疾病风险、患病几率更高,应建立合理的激励机制和调节机制,通过各级的配套经费提高对农村低收入家庭改水改厕和其他项目的补贴资金,使国家基本公共卫生服务均等化的政策得以落实。 Objectives To analyze the relationship between the family per capita income and the health behavior (such as the burden of illness, types of drinking water, hygienic habits and sanitary toilets) of farmers in rural areas of Sichuan Province; in order to provide scientific basis for the government. Methods Fifty-one counties were randomly selected for the household survey; questionnaires were completed by on-site inspecting, interviewing and inquiring. The families selected by variety of family per capita income were divided into 3 groups and the investigation results for each group were analyzed. Results The medical expenses to the revenue ratio of low income families reached 26.75%. Most of surveyed families were based on well water and tap water, but the constituent ratio of drinking tap water was lower than 30% in all 3 groups. The constituent ratio of families accustomed to drinking boiled water or barreled pure water in high, medium and low income groups were 95.3% , 93.0% and 93.0% respectively. The number of people accustomed to drink raw water was less (X^2 = 18.36, P less than 0.05) , washing hands before lunch and after using toilet was more (X^2 = 43.08, P less than O. 05) in high income family group than other 2 groups. The constituent ratio of cleaner indoor hygiene were 67.6% , 52.8%and 54.3% ( x^2 =90. 15, P less than 0.05) , and that of better sanitary latrine were 80.6% , 65.4% and 60.9% (X^2= 164.34, P less than 0.05 ) in 3 groups respectively. Conclusions The sanitary condition and health consciousness in low income families were worse, and easily risking sickness. Incentive mechanism and regulatory mechanism should be established to increase the subsidy for drinking water and sanitation reform projects for low income families, and to achieve the equalization of public health services.
出处 《环境卫生学杂志》 北大核心 2013年第4期328-331,共4页 JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL HYGIENE
关键词 农村 家庭人均收入 卫生行为 分析 rural area, family per capita income, heahh behavior, analysis.
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