As the monetary system is based on the silver-copper pairs stretching two hundred years in the Qing Dynas- ty, Yunnan copper and the copper transported to Beijing across a total of eight provinces China which involved hundreds of thousands of mine workers and transport workers. The feat not only supported the half money supply of the Qing dy- nasty in macroscopic view, but also produced important and far-reaching impact on Zhaotong on the socio-economic in mi- croscopic scales. On the one hand the copper production of Zhaotong is the non--negligible part of the Yunnan province, on the other hand there were four routes runs through the Zhaotong region in the trasit of covellite from Yunnan to Bei- jing, even some scholars said the route was "the first line" in the transport line. These have greatly influeneed the eco- nomic and social development of Zhaotong in the Qing Dynasty. And the process from the gloom to doom also left quite a revelation can be funded later reference.
Journal of Zhaotong University
the Qing Dynasty
The Trasit of Covellite from Yunnan to Beijing