

An Analysis of the Strain in Growth InAs/GaAs Quantum Dots
摘要 围绕InAs(InGaAs)/GaA叠层量子点电池的制作,本文通过文献研究和对近邻面生长实验研究认为,InAs/GaAs量子点生长形貌和特性受生长环境条件和生长条件影响。其中,客观、不可改变的外延层与衬底晶格常数、生长台面、超晶格结构等环境条件对量子点生长最为重要。这些环境条件通过生长应力,决定了量子点生长中的有序成核、生长、合并,直至出现缺陷的多晶体生长,其作用贯穿整个量子点生长过程。 Around InAs(InGaAs)/GaA stacked quantum dot cell production,the paper studies the growth of neighboring surfaces by literature research and experiment and deems that InAs/GaAs quantum dots growing morphology and growth characteristics are affected by growing conditions and environmental conditions.Among them,the objective,immutable epitaxial layer and the substrate lattice constant,growth countertops,and other environmental conditions super-lattice structure of quantum dot growth are most important.Growing environmental conditions determine the order nucleation,growth,consolidation,until the defected polycrystalline grows and quantum dots works throughout the whole growing process.
出处 《文山学院学报》 2013年第3期42-44,48,共4页 Journal of Wenshan University
基金 云南省科技计划重点项目(2009CC012) 楚雄师范学院学术后备人才项目(11YJRC19)
关键词 INAS GaAs量子点 SK模式生长 量子点生长因素 应变作用 量子点叠层电池 InAs/GaAs quantum dots S-K growth environmental of quantum dot growth train affect multiple quantum dot solar cell
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