计算机技术的飞速发展,为人们的日常生活带了巨大的变化,人们已经不仅仅满足于玩游戏了,利用Flash已经可以让人们去制作自己喜欢的小游戏,这极大的满足了人们的需求。Flash是很好的网上制作动画的软件,用它可以将动作、声效动画以及富有新意的界面融合在一起,以制作出高品质的游戏动态效果。在本设计中,利用Macromedia Flash制作了老鼠和猫的小游戏。
People's daily lives are changed because of the rapid development of computer technology.With the improvement of people's living standards,people are not satisfed with passive acceptance to play the game today,and people can produce own like game based on Flash,it's great to meet people's needs.Flash is a good on-line software that produce animation,and action,animation and sound innovative interface can be togethered in order to produce high-quality game dynamic effect.In this design,cat and mouse game is produced by the Macromedia Flash.
Electronics World