
日本柴油机排放技术的进展(英文) 被引量:3

Diesel Emission Technology Development in Japan
摘要 该文介绍了日本在高压燃料喷射和导向喷射技术的领先研究工作,回顾日本的柴油机排放技术进展之路。柴油发动机技术方面,在本世纪初的十年内,已经实现了某种内燃机的典型燃烧,例如某种废气回收(EGR)稀薄燃烧引擎系统。新的后处理系统获得了类似的突破。讨论了后处理进一步改进的实际问题。由于日本的柴油乘用车市场不大,因此,柴油机技术在日本的进展一直受到商用机动车引擎需求的驱动。各国商业车辆(客车和卡车)驾驶条件及燃料含硫量的差别,将会明显地影响柴油机排放控制策略和柴油机设计。 The pioneering research works on the high pressure fuel injection and the pilot injection technologies are introduced to overview the pathway of the engine emission technology development in Japan. In the first decade of the 21 century, the diesel engine technology realized an ideal combustion as an internal combustion engine, like exhaust gas regeneration (EGR) lean burn combustion. Another breakthrough was made in new after treatment systems. The real world problems of the after treatment are discussed in pursuance of further improvement. Since the diesel passenger car market is small in Japan, the diesel engine technology development has mostly been driven by commercial vehicle engine technologies. However, driving conditions of commercial vehicles (trucks and buses) and the sulphur content in fuel are different in different countries. These factors significantly affect diesel emission control strategies and design.
作者 南利貴
出处 《汽车安全与节能学报》 CAS CSCD 2013年第3期185-201,共17页 Journal of Automotive Safety and Energy
关键词 柴油机燃烧 技术进展 日本 废气回收(EGR) 选择性催化还原(SCR) 柴油机微粒捕集器(DPF) 预混压缩点火(PCI) diesel combustion technology development Japan exhaust gas recirculating (EGR) selectivecatalytic reduction (SCR) diesel particulate filter (DPF) premixed compression ignition (PCI)
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