International oil pricing has always been a key factor in national economy and even in national energy security,and it can be transformed into a political issue.According to the world’s two most important oil benchmarks,WTI and Brent,the price difference from a historical point of view has been basically flattening.The phenomenon that the WTI and Brent crude oil prices spread peak lasted for a long time since 2010,shows a fundamental change in the relationship between WTI and Brent.Given the four spreads of WTI and Brent,based on historical and layer-by-layer analysis,the author argues that political factors can influence international oil pricing.From the Chinese perspective,the spread is a double-edged sword.On the one hand,the United States takes the advantage of low oil prices to lower manufacturing cost while China’s manufacturing industries are in relative disadvantage;On the other hand,the US underestimation of oil prices will make other oil-producing countries more willing to cooperate with China,and the falling influence of WTI provides a larger space for China in the international oil pricing system.
Journal of International Security Studies