
国际关系研究的话语权之争——兼论中国国际关系研究的学术自觉 被引量:12

The Contention of Discourse Power in International Relations and the Academic Consciousness in China
摘要 二战以后,美国一直掌握着国际关系研究的话语霸权,塑造了国际关系研究的基本范式并从学理层面论证其霸权合法性。冷战结束以后,出于理论发展的需要与国际政治现实的挑战,国际关系研究逐渐呈现出多元化态势,欧洲国际关系研究在研究取向、研究方法、研究议题、理论流派等方面与美国展开了积极的话语权竞争,成就了"欧洲视角",在一定程度上消解了美国的话语霸权。近年来,随着国际政治格局的调整与地缘政治重心的东移,国际关系研究的亚洲意识也逐渐觉醒,中国国际关系研究的自主性建设已初见成效,学术自觉与学术自信有所提升。但中国国际关系研究在话语权建设上存在诸多不足,应进一步强化学科内涵建设,推动理论创新;寻找西方学术话语体系的突破口,挖掘新的研究支点;拓展话语平台,为外交话语体系提供学术支撑。只有制定正确的话语权战略并付诸实施,才能从根本上提升中国国际关系研究的竞争力。 The international relations studies have been under the discourse hegemony of the U.S.since the end of the World War II.The U.S.has constructed the basic paradigm of IR studies,demonstrated and strengthened the legitimacy of its hegemony academically,contributed by its mighty national power,which makes it able to manipulate the international agenda setting to its own benefit,and its hard work on the discourse subject,content and platform following the mechanism of discourse power.After the end of the Cold War,to promote theoretical development and meet the challenge of the international political reality,IR studies is becoming diversified and the contention of academic discourse more prominent.The European IR scholars brought forward 'European perspectives' in research orientation,research methods,and schools of theories,which highlights the European culture and the practice of the European integration,and to some extent weakens the American hegemony of discouse.In recent years,along with the adjustment of the international political pattern and the eastward movement of international political and geopolitical center of gravity,the Asian consciousness of IR studies began to emerge,especially in China.The academic consciousness and assuredness of IR studies has substantially improved in China.To further promote the contention of discourse power in IR studies and to break the monopoly of American discourse,this article explains the construction path of American discourse hegemony and its implications,followed by profound analysis of the deficiencies and problems of the discourse power construction in China and specific proposals.
出处 《国际安全研究》 2013年第5期108-124,158-159,共17页 Journal of International Security Studies
基金 兰州大学"中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助"(项目编号:13LZUJBWTD003)
关键词 国际关系研究 话语权 中国国际关系研究 学术自觉 international relations studies,discourse power,IR studies in China,academic consciousness
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