

Anatoly Kim in the Combination of Cultures
摘要 20世纪70年代登上俄罗斯文坛的朝鲜族作家阿·金一直被视为俄罗斯文学中东西方文化融合的代表。金是俄罗斯朝鲜族第三代移民,他出生于哈萨克斯坦,成长于库页岛,成名于莫斯科。在他的经历中汇集了哈萨克草原文化、朝鲜族文化和俄罗斯文化三种因素,在其合力作用下,金的世界感受是超越民族归属特性的,走向超越是作家对长期困扰自己的身份焦虑的化解之法。在身份认同的过程中,金经历了长期的困惑和角色认同混乱带来的焦虑,以至于分别面对俄罗斯文化和韩国文化时,均被冠以异国情调,也因此感受到不同文化作用力的夹击带来的双重疏离陌生。在两种冲击力的交互作用下,作家的认同倾向曾经摇摆不定,甚至无所适从。而在走过最初的不适之后,作家冷静地跳出非此即彼的两难选择,以包容性化解认同中的矛盾。在对两种冲击力理性比较过程中,作家提出,影响自己的文化合力中主导者是俄罗斯文化,而自己的更高理想是世界主义。在他的作品中,东方因素多体现为早期短篇小说中的朝鲜族主人公形象及其精神特质,如注重家庭亲情、崇尚善恶有报的思想,相信生死轮回的说法。而俄罗斯文化元素则在其中后期创作中跃居主导地位,尤为突出地体现为他的东正教思想。 As a Russian Korean writer entering the literary world in the 1970s, Anatoly Kim has always been regarded as a representative of the combination of the eastern and western cultures in the Russia literary circles. Kim was a Korean immigrant of the third generation to Russia, who was born in Kazakhstan, grew up in Sakhalin, and became famous in Moscow. Three cultural factors came together in his experiences, such as Kazakhstan' s pastureland culture, Korean culture and Russian culture. Under the combined influence of the three factors, Kim' s feeling for the world is exceeding the national affiliation, which has been the author' s method to overcome his long-term identity anxiety. In the course of his culture identity, Kim has experienced long-term perplexity and anxiety caused by the confusion of role identity, so much so that he is known to possess a strong foreign style when confronted with either Russian or Korean culture. As a result, he has feh a dual sense of alienation and strangeness caused by the attack between the two different cultures, whose interaction once made him hesitant about and even bewildered by his identity. After experiencing the initial bewilderment, the writer calmly jumped out of the either-or dilemma and dealt with the contradictions involved in identity with an inclusive attitude. Having made a rational comparison between the two cultures, he claimed that the dominant factor of the resultant cultural force was the Russian culture and that his ideal was cosmopolitanism. The factor of the eastern culture is reflected in the images and spiritual characteristics of the Korean heroes in his early short stories, e.g. emphasizing family kinship, believing in karma and justice, in fairness and reward, and in the life and death samsara. The factor of the Russian culture plays a dominant role in his late works and is distinctly embodied in his Orthodox ideas.
作者 王盈
出处 《俄罗斯文艺》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第4期55-62,共8页 Russian Literature & Arts
基金 黑龙江省博士后基金课题"阿纳托利.金长篇小说的新神话诗学特征及其哲思内涵"(项目编号:LBH-Z12223)阶段性成果
关键词 阿纳托利·金身份认同 文化合力 世界主义 Anatoly Kim identity combination of cultures cosmopolitanism
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