
国际社会的历史演变及其对金砖国家文化教育战略基础——区域国际关系体系形成的影响 被引量:1

Voskressenski. Historical Evolution of International Society and the Formation of Regional Sub-Systems of International Relations as a Basis of a Cultural and Educational Strategy of BRICS Countries
摘要 20世纪初,现代世界体系的基本体制开始形成。二战结束后,摆脱了殖民统治的亚洲在现代化进程中,必须从世界上兴盛的两种欧洲现代化发展模式中选择其一。旧的经济结构模式实际上在20世纪末完全消失。那些采用西方市场经济竞争模式,却在其中融入本国特点的非西方国家制定了自己的现代化方案,并在某些方面开始赶上世界体系中的领先国家("追赶型"发展模式),甚至还有一些国家尝试推翻西方后工业时期的发展模式。由此形成了当今发展模式高度竞争的国际环境。这就要求通过政治精英的"责任国际化"来培养新一代的专业人才。金砖国家联盟的创建及成员国的协同发展—这是实现成员国共同目标的一个重要的新阶段。 The main structural parameters of modern international system were formed on the eve of the 20th Century. After World War II the decolonializing and modernizing Asia chose between two versions of European model of modernization and development. Each of them went through turbulent transformation at the second part of 20th Century and the mainstream model of development within the old technological stage was exhausted. Successful Non-Western countries based their way of development on the Western model of market economy but with national characteristics and put forward their own models of modernization managing to economically "catch up" leaders. Some even challenged the Western mode of post-industrial development. Thus the modern global model of high competition in modernization and development was created. This model requires education and training a new .generation of professionals through "responsible internationalization" of future political elite. The creation of BRICS bloc is a new stage of the implementation of this cultural-educational strategy.
出处 《俄罗斯文艺》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第4期100-105,共6页 Russian Literature & Arts
关键词 国际社会 区域国际关系体系 发展模式 政治精英 教育 international society regional sub-systems of international relations models of modernization and development education and training of political elite in BRICS countries
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