延安第三产业在国民经济中的比重偏低 ,内部各行业的比例不够协调 ,严重制约了延安经济的发展。因此 ,必须立足于延安经济发展的实际情况 ,制定第三产业的发展政策 ,拓宽第三产业的发展空间 ,大力培育市场体系 ,加强人才的培养 ,推动第三产业的科技进步 。
The third industry doesn′t develop in proportion to the natural economy and in addition the development of each trade is also out of proportion to the national economy of Yanan. This impedes the advance of the economy. In order to increase the speed of development in the economy of Yanan,a new economicpolicy for the third industry needs to be establshed; the developmental space needs to be windened; the market system needs to be fostered; the training for talent needs to be reinfored; the science and technology of the third industry needs to be pushed forward.
Journal of Yan'an University (Social Sciences Edition)