
芜湖市中小学生近视情况调查分析 被引量:6

Analysis in myopia of Wuhu primary and middle school students
摘要 目的调查芜湖市中小学生近视分布情况,为学生近视防控工作提供依据。方法由专业人员对芜湖市4个区94 963名中小学生进行视力及验光检查。结果芜湖市中小学生总近视患病率为43.43%,其中小学生、初中生和高中生近视患病率分别为28.04%%、57.68%和77.41%。小学生近视患病率以镜湖区和弋江区最高,三山区次之,鸠江区最低;初中生近视患病率以弋江区和三山区最高,鸠江区次之,镜湖区最低。结论镜湖区学生的近视发病率在初中阶段得到有效控制。 Objective To obtain the distribution of myopia among primary and middle school students in Wuhu city, and to provide evidence for the intervention. Methods The trained professional staff took the visual inspection on a total of 94 963 students from four dis- tricts in Wuhu to understand their eyesight status and refractive status. Results In Wuhu city, primary and middle school students" general myopia prevalence rate was 43.43% ; the myopia prevalence rate of primary school students, junior school students and high school students was 28.04% , 57.68% and 77.41% , respectively. In Wuhu, the highest prevalence rate of primary school students'myopia was in Jinghu District and Yijiang District, followed by Sanshan District, and the lowest was in Jiujiang District ; but the highest prevalence rate of junior school students'myopia was in Yijiang District and Sanshan District, followed by Jiujiang District, and the lowest was in Jinghu District. Con- clusion Compared with other districts of Wuhu, myopia incidence of students in junior school in Jinghu District has been effectively con- trolled.
出处 《安徽医学》 2013年第9期1393-1395,共3页 Anhui Medical Journal
基金 芜湖市科技项目(项目编号:芜科技2011卫生14-2)
关键词 近视 患病率 学生 Myopia Prevalence Student
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