Objective To study the relationship between incidence of alopecia areata and thyroid hormone levels as well as human blood trace elements in children. Methods Serum thyroid hormone levels were determined by Beckerman chemiluminescence immunoassay analyzer DXI800, and at the same time, the human blood trace ele- ments (copper, zinc, calcium, magnesium, iron, lead)of 152 alopecia areata patients and 321 healthy controls were determined by atomic absorption spectrometer BH2101S and BH5100. Results The total triiodothyronine and free triiodothyronine levels of the children with alopecia were significantly higher than those of control group. The whole blood zinc and calcium level of the children with alopecia areata were significantly lower than those of healthy controls, while the blood lead level in the patients with alopecia areata was significantly higher than that in healthy controls. Conclusion The incidence of alopecia areata may be concerned with the thyroid functional lesion, the lack of zinc, calcium and lead poisoning. So timely detection of thyroid function and the whole blood trace elements in the children with alopecia areata is beneficial for early symptomatic treatment.
Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology
Alopecia areata
Thyroid hormone
Trace elements