世纪之交 ,随着国务院西部地区开发会议的召开 ,西部大开发战略的实施问题被提上议事日程 ,这对于当前拉动经济增长的积极作用是不言而喻的。然而 ,西部大开发并非一蹴而就的易事 ,而是一项系统工程和长期任务 ,其中要面临诸如资金、技术、基础设施滞后等一系列问题 。
Entering the 21 st century,with convening of the west region's exploitation meeting,our government has taken the implement of the western areas' exploitation project into consideration.It's obviously that it will play an active part in the increase of China's present economy.However,there are all kinds of problems in front of us ,such as funds、technology、the detention of infrastructure etc.We must study these problems in view of the existing situation of the west,and work out a plan to solve them.
Journal of Jilin Province Economic Management Cadre College