
单排微型桩加固碎石土滑坡物理模型试验 被引量:12

Physical Model Test of Debris Landslide Reinforcement with Single Row Micro-pile
摘要 微型桩因其自身优势被广泛使用,但有关其抗滑机理的理论研究相对较少。首先对模型桩的力学特性进了标定试验,获得其弹塑性工作阶段的弹性模量,分别为0.69×104MPa和0.04×104MPa;再通过不同桩间距下单排微型桩加固碎石土滑坡室内模型试验,研究微型桩抗滑机理。试验结果表明:不同桩间距下单排微型桩桩后土压力主要集中在滑面以上1/3桩身范围内;桩间距较小,土拱效应越明显,微型桩抗滑失效的最大临界弯矩越大,微型桩能承受的滑坡推力越大,抗滑效果越好。 Micro-piles are widely used because of its own advantages, but relatively few theoretical studies about its anti-slide mechanism. Firstly, the mechanical properties of the model pile into calibration tests, to get of elasto- plastic session elastic modulus, were 0.69 x l04 MPa and 0.04 x 104 MPa. Through the different pile spacing under a single row of miniature pile reinforcement gravel soil landslide indoor model experiment to study the micro-piles a- gainst sliding mechanism. The test results show that: different pile spacing, single row of micro-pile soil pressure mainly concentrated in the range of slip surface more than 1/3 of the pile. The pile spacing is small, soil arching effect, the greater the micro pile skid failure critical moment, the micro pile can withstand landslide thrust the grea- ter skid th'e better.
出处 《山地学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期399-405,共7页 Mountain Research
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划("863"计划)项目(2012AA121302) 四川省科技支撑计划(11ZC0550) 中交股份科技研发项目(2011-ZJKJ-04)课题资助~~
关键词 微型桩 碎石土滑坡 滑坡推力 土拱效应 临界弯矩 Micro-pile Gravel soil landslide Landslide thrust Soil arching Critical moment
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